Do promotions make sense in handicrafts? When should I make promotions on my handmade products?
How to create a premium handmade brand? How to be consistent? How to choose the right values?
How to make good use of FB groups? Why is it worth to follow other craftsmen?
How to calculate the product price? How to use promotions without losses? Should I really make promotions on my handmade products?
Trebam li prodati svoje ručno rađene proizvode na društvenim mrežama, na nekim drugim platformama ili u vlastitom dućanu? Kada treba diverzificirati svoje prodajne kanale? Kakva je razlika u kanalima prodaje i promocije?
Why should I define my customers and recipients in handmade business? How can I communicate to both groups?
How to use your product to be successful in handmade business? What type of niche should I choose? Is it good to focus only on one type of product?
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