Once you’ve set up your HANDIEU seller profile (tukaj you’ve got some useful tips how to do it right), it’s time to show the world your creations! Time to introduce your first product to the store … ? In this article, I will try to introduce you step by step to the process of product configuration in the store so as to make the most of the possibilities offered by the platform.

HANDIEU gives you the opportunity to choose one of two options for introducing a product to your store – you can choose a simple or a spremenljivi izdelek ?

To illustrate the difference between them, let’s use the example of a handicraftsman creating teddy bears. His teddy bears are available in three sizes – small, medium and large. If he wanted to introduce his products to the store and chose a “simple product” for it, he would have to create three individual products in the store! By choosing the variable product option, he will only enter the product once, and the customer will be able to choose the size of the teddy bear before putting it into the cart!

As you can see, by choosing a variable product in this case, we save both the time needed to introduce the product and space in our store! ? Thanks to this, our store is more transparent and orderly!

Today I will show you how to set your first simple product.

There are few things you should remember about:

  • product title – it has to be short, but giving as much information as it’s possible
  • cena
  • sale price – you don’t have to fill this gap if you don’t plan to do any discounts. But if so, here you can set the price along with the schedule for when it will apply.
  • photos – the big one is your product’s cover photo. It’s the first thing the consumer sees ? When you want to upload more photos of your product to the gallery, you can choose the smaller picture below.
  • description – here you should give a detailed description of your product, noting how it is used, cleaned, and all specifications.         
  • short description is optional and appears right next to the cover photo. It can be a short and concise introduction to the actual description.
  • categories – you should choose one category, where your product will be placed in the store. Remember, that it should be the category that will be obvious to the customer to look for your product here.

If you sell teddy bears, you’ll probably choose: Baby -> Accessories -> Baby Toys.

And that’s how your client sees the product:


Here you should set up your product specifications necessary to calculate shipping costs. You can also choose your processing time – thanks to this, the consumer will be aware of how long it will you to make the craft before he makes a purchase.


It’s the additional information for the consumer about your product specifications. When you are making your teddy bears and you set the following attributes: children’s age, colors or textiles, it will be easier to find your product for those who are looking for a pink cotton toy for a 2-year-old girl.


Here you can choose your up-sells and cross-sells products ?

Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive. The customer sees it as “You may also like” products on your product cart.

Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product – if someone bought your T-shirt, maybe he wants to buy matching trousers as well?… So these will be the products, which are related to each other.

When setting up your product, you should also remember about SEO – it’s about entering your keywords, just to be more visible for the Internet searcher.

And… don’t forget to submit your product (or make a draft, if you want to come back to it later)!

I hope that you won’t have any problems with setting up your products and you have as much fun as I do ?

PS. Next time I’ll show you, how to set up your variable products!

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