Behandla mina artiklar som inspiration. TÀnk pÄ hur mina förslag kan fungera i ditt sammanhang. Marknaden för hantverk Àr mycket stor. Mina iakttagelser Àr generaliserade och stÀmmer inte nödvÀndigtvis i alla fall.

I hope you had time to think about my last posts and now it’s time to set your objectives.

I was asking many handcrafters what is their objective and not too many were able to tell me. Many times I heard “I don’t know, it depends”. And of course it depends on many circumstances if you will be able to run a successful business but if you keep in mind what you wanted at the first place you will do everything from your side to make it happen.

So let’s start from the following questions:

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
  • Are you running a full-time handmade business?
  • Or maybe you still do it as a hobby?
  • Or you just support some other handcrafter and don’t think about business?
  • Or maybe you hire some more people and you focus on designs?
  • Do you have a handmade brand?
  • Or maybe you do something totally different?

Basically, how would you like your business/life to look like in the future?

Don’t rush with it, take some time to answer it to yourself.

When you know what your goal is, it is easier to make the right decisions and use the right tools to achieve it and also helps to simply avoid spending too much time on other things than your actual handmade work.

The thing is that if you do a business without some vision for the future, on top of it comes stress about not finding customers and at the end you can burn out, even if in the beginning it was a business out of passion. And nobody wants that!

So try to precise your vision as much as possible, or even write it down to remind yourself from time to time where you go ?

I will leave you today with this topic to think over. In my next post I will develop a bit what can be the best for each objective so you can adapt your strategy properly.

Have a great day!


Viktig information:
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Om du gillar det jag skapar, om du befinner dig i ett skede av att skapa ditt varumĂ€rke och om du vill ha en komprimerad kunskap om hur du förbereder dig för det, rekommenderar jag följande min e-bok - i punkter, problem för problem, lösning efter lösning 😊

Du vill vara en del av vĂ„r HandieU-gemenskap - gĂ„ med i gruppen, , föreslĂ„ Ă€mnen som jag kan diskutera 😊

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