Свързване на бизнес пъзели с вас!

I am Aga Marecka, an expert in relations & energy – looking at them in every aspect of our lives and business.

During my studies and work experiences, I have learned a lot in many different areas: business, finance, economics, politics, psychology, marketing, sales, international relations, diplomacy, tourism, logistics, lobbying and even law… I was consulting many web3 and startup impact projects on their marketing & business strategies, mentoring students and creators.

I decided to connect them to build a meaningful business concept – HANDIEU which I hope will get a chance to grow as more people turn towards this collaborative direction.

Meanwhile, my path pushed me towards energy, healing and ancient wisdom which I explored for a few thousands of hours and I still learn! I extracted the essence for the creative purposes and started “Енергиен дизайн” courses to share with more people how to create more beneficial energy in art pieces.

Thank you for joining my journey and just get inspired!

Електронна книга, пълна с точки, които да ви вдъхновят!

Проверете и предстоящите ми уебинари!

Уебинарите са по-ефективен начин за обучение, защото имате контакт с ментор, но също така можете да получите информация от въпросите на групата, която присъства! Можете да получите много нови вдъхновения за собствения си бизнес и, разбира се, да научите нови неща от различна гледна точка!