How to use the right phases to attract the customers? What should I avoid when preparing the product description? How to communicate to clients in handicrafts business?
Ar trebui să-mi vând produsele făcute manual pe rețelele de socializare, pe alte alte platforme sau chiar în propriul magazin? Când ar trebui să-mi diversific canalele de vânzări? Care este o diferență între canalele de vânzare și promovare?
Why should I define my customers and recipients in handmade business? How can I communicate to both groups?
How to communicate on different type of Facebook groups? How to adjust your communication so that people want to buy from you?
How to use your product to be successful in handmade business? What type of niche should I choose? Is it good to focus only on one type of product?
De ce este important să vă definiți obiectivele? Cum ar trebui să aleg obiectivele pentru compania mea handmade?
Why should I have my company's values? How should I choose my values? Where should I look for inspirations for my key values?
Why do I need Terms of Transaction for my shop? How should I prepare my Terms and Policies?
Welcome to Handmade in Europe! This blog was created for handcrafters who want to succeed on handmade market, […]
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