Moje članke jemljite kot navdih. Razmislite, kako bi lahko moji predlogi delovali v vašem okolju. Trg rokodelskih izdelkov je zelo širok. Moja opažanja so posplošena in ni nujno, da bodo veljala v vseh primerih.

So let’s come back to your objectives and the strategies you may take. Of course it is only a suggestion and it can be slightly different depending on type of handmade you make. As a general rule I would say that is better to focus of less channels but to do it the right way.

Danes sem za vas pripravila 3 splošne scenarije glede na vaše cilje. Predlagam, da jih preberete, da boste videli razlike v pristopih in nato lahko preverite, ali je cilj, ki ste si ga zastavili, resnično to, kar želite.

Why should I check if my goals are what I want? Because many times people don’t see that behind any business there is a lot to think about and to do. That is not easy, you need to constantly learn and look for new opportunities. You can’t stay in one place and expect that everything will go well from now on.

Nočem vas odvračati od vodenja podjetja - nasprotno, rad bi vas videl, da rastete. Nočem ti lagati, da bo lahko. Imate potencial (pridete sem, da se naučite več - pokaže veliko svojih vrednot) in lahko to naredite, ko boste pripravljeni in načrtujete, kolikor je mogoče. Ne boste delali živčnih potez, ko bo šlo kaj narobe. Odstopil boš, premislil svojo starost in spoznal nove možnosti.

Vrnimo se k našim scenarijem:

SCENARIO 1 - Je preprosto hobi. Nočem voditi ročno izdelanega podjetja.

If your aim is to get just couple of orders per month because you want to continue it as a hobby, then you don’t need to go into too many channels – actually, I would recommend focusing on one or two (e.g. social media and some platform) and maybe some local promotion (friends recommendations). Otherwise you will get overwhelmed, and there is a big chance that you will need to spend more time on promotion than on work that gives you pleasure. So choose one channel and do it well as much as you need!

Another way is to look for some other handcrafter to do products for him/her. Then you don’t care about selling at all. You simply make some products as requested, get some extra money to your budget and not worry about business related issues at all! 🙂

SCENARIO 2 - Želim biti neodvisen od svojega ročnega posla.

If your aim is to own your handmade business (and earn as much as in a “normal” job) then it would be better to pick few channels (but also not too many straight away). They should rather supplement each other. For example, you can choose few platforms and/or your own online shop and support it with your social media channels.

It is important to diversify the channels the moment it starts to be your business – no matter what are your further aspirations. Look for platforms that have your “dream customers” and give you some potential to grow. It is up to you how fast you will start all of them, but I would suggest to start step by step with new ones so first you get familiar with one and then start another one.

I recommend to do it one after another and not sign in to all potential platforms in the same time. This can be overwhelming and may discourage you or stress when you won’t be able to find something on one, will be mixing features etc.

You should also remember to be visible locally – this can be actually the best solution for you as people recommend best someone who they know! Don’t forget about it!

Zakaj bi moral razvejati svoje prodajne poti?

Ker so že večkrat svetovni prodajni kanali pokazali, da lahko spremenijo pravila in te pustijo pri miru. Ko vodite podjetje, se ne morete zanesti samo na enega dobavitelja - sami ste izpostavljeni velikim tveganjem. Kot v običajnem življenju - vedno si pripravite načrt B.

In this scenario you may also soon see that Facebook or other social media will stop to be your sales channels but they will become rather your promotion channels. Still important to take care of, dragging new customers but you will try to make transactions e.g. on your own website.

Kakšna je razlika med prodajnimi in promocijskimi kanali?

S prodajnimi kanali, ki jih prodajate, in s promocijskimi kanali privabljate stranke v svojo trgovino - kar ni na nobenem od njih. Ko je Facebook (in drugi družbeni mediji) odprl svoja vrata prodaje, je postalo zmedeno. Še posebej, da v "Scenariji 1" služi obema namenoma. Vendar v tem primeru ne vodite podjetja, nimate svojega spletnega mesta ali računa neke platforme.

Zakaj je bolje obravnavati Facebook (ali druge družbene medije) kot promocijski kanal in se odpovedati prodaji tam?

Apart from diversification, I would say that you can better keep track on your sales, customers profiles and promotions (you get more of them so it is easier to do it automatically). Either your own website or a platform give you tools to understand better your customers needs, opinions, activity in general. By analyzing it a bit you can prepare better communication or improve your products. And you don’t need to spend too much time on getting this information in graphs or tables formats. Secondly, somehow when you treat is as a supporting promotion channel, your communication starts to be more “relaxed” and interesting. You have less stress to sell through this channel and it influences your posts… It is just my subjective observation 😉

I would compare it to some date – a girl meets some guy and she would really like him to like her back 🙂 . So she is stressed, she tries very much to show him the best of her. And somehow he may feel pressure and steps back. And then some other day, the same girl is relaxed, doesn’t even think about meeting anyone. And by accident she is noticed by some guy in a bus. It is him who approaches her because he sees how nice and positive she is 😀

Another thing that you may ask yourself at this point is whether I should have my own shop or use some other existing platform. As there are couple of adventages and disadventages of both of them I will develop this topic later on 🙂

SCENARIO 3 - Želim si razviti lastno blagovno znamko in uspešno ročno podjetje

If your aim for the future is to grow, make a successful brand, to be able to hire someone one day or outsource some production to another handcrafter according to your projects, then it would be good to be visible in many places. Of course you would need to do it step by step but it is good to have a plan for it.

Ko se seznanite z eno platformo, se pridružite novi itd. Morda boste razmišljali tudi o tem, da bi kdo upravljal vaše profile (dodajal izdelke in pisal svoje objave na družbenih medijih itd.), Da se boste lahko osredotočili na svoje dejansko delo. Obstaja veliko "virtualnih pomočnikov", ki podpirajo podjetja, kot je vaše, in vredno je videti cene, preden lahko ocenite, kdaj bi bil pravi trenutek za tovrstno pomoč. Po drugi strani boste morda iskali kakšnega študenta ali nekoga, kako želi samo preprosto dodatno oddaljeno delo.

Remember that your time spent on marketing is a time lost on production. Then the time spent on production can be lost on design. So as you grow you may even need support from some other handcrafter/s. And you may also find them in some FB groups like ours 🙂

It is good to ask yourself at this point what would you like to focus on in your business – production, design or a little bit of both? That will help you look for right people for the future cooperation because you never know when you will meet them on the way 🙂

Similarly to the “Scenario 2”, your social media channels will serve you to promote and not to sell. You will try to keep track on your sales, your customers profiles etc. You will develop the strategy and look for new opportunities everywhere. Even sales platforms may serve you more and more as promotion channels as you will try to draw customers to your own shop. You will become a true business(wo)man 🙂

That is why it is good that everyone has different goals. You may not see it yet but as soon as you grow you will start to realize that having a group like ours is very valuable! Some handcrafters don’t want to grow their businesses (and it is ok!) and others aim for it! So why not to connect the powers and do something together?!… Look at what others do and keep it in mind. Share what you do and what are your goals so others may think about you for their projects! You never know what kind of idea will develop in the future from it 😉

I wish you all good inspiration and stay connected! 🙂

Pomembne informacije:
Like what I create on this blog? That is my free content and I appreciate if you leave a comment, follow my social media and give me some thumbs up to keep on writing! 😊 pass the news on to other people who could benefit from it!

Če želite biti na tekočem, ko objavim nove članke - pridružite se glasilu. Ne pošiljam nezaželene pošte, pišem samo, kadar imam kaj dragocenega za deliti 😊

Če vam je všeč to, kar ustvarjam, ste v fazi ustvarjanja svoje blagovne znamke in iščete zgoščeno znanje o tem, kako se nanjo pripraviti, vam priporočam moja e-knjiga - v točkah, problem za problemom, rešitev za rešitvijo 😊

Želite biti del naše skupnosti HandieU - Pridružite se nam v skupini, , predlagajte teme, o katerih bi lahko razpravljal 😊

In ko boste pripravljeni na prodajo v Evropi - se prijavite za HandieU!

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