Възприемайте моите статии като вдъхновение. Помислете как моите предложения биха могли да работят във вашия контекст. Пазарът на занаятчийски изделия е много широк. Наблюденията ми са обобщени и не е задължително да са верни във всеки случай.

We have a customer who is usually looking for a gift for a loved one. He has the choice of buying something “fast” in a nearby store or ordering something from a craftsman. When he decides on the second option (which is becoming more and more popular), he is faced with a choice – what and with whom? In fact, he will be ready to review a number of offers to confirm that he has chosen the best possible gift.

Most often, the customer himself is not entirely sure what he wants to buy. He is looking for inspiration. That is why it is so important to identify your niches and direct your communication to the right people. If we write a very general “perfect gift for a woman” or even more broadly “for a woman, mother, grandmother, wife …” then we can evoke in a potential client the feeling “if for everyone, then basically for no one”. And yes, your product could appeal to each of these people, but writing it this way may lose some uniqueness. I assume that you want to show the uniqueness of your product, not its universality. Because that’s what handmade is all about!

Here I could refer to my previous article where I tried to encourage you to imagine your “perfect customer”. Think about it again when you formulate the slogans and descriptions.

How could we otherwise show that the product corresponds to different groups, but still does not lose its uniqueness? Maybe something like: “the perfect gift for a book lover” or “a unique gift for an elegant woman” … Or for products that are purchased by the target audience: “An accessory that will delight all your guests”, “Personalized decoration that will give / will add uniqueness / character to your interior … “

I think the biggest barrier to switching and targeting a particular group is the fear that we may lose other potential customers. This may happen, but not necessarily because of the message itself. But on the other hand, we can get many more people looking for products using similar phrases. You can confirm many people who will find you that your product will be the most successful. Perhaps you will highlight the advantages, features that they were looking for, although they did not name them – you will meet their expectations.

Let’s go back to the person who wants to buy a gift. He already knows it’s going to be a handicraft, but he has no idea what exactly. What will he do next? Most likely, it will start searching for more narrow phrases “handmade gift for …”. Then, seeing a large range of offers, you will either go to one of the sales platforms that will appear, or you will further narrow your search by adding features that define a given person or a gift (the same will probably be done on the sales platform). And if such phrases are not in your description, there is little chance that someone will find you at all.

If you’ve come across the term “SEO” somewhere, that’s what it’s mostly about. To adjust the content so that it reflects the customer’s search. Thanks to this, search engines will position your offer better. And it is worth adding that sales platforms also have their own internal search engines. And there as well, you must not forget about the proper selection of texts, tags, attributes or categories.

So why not list all the “catchy” phrases possible and attract customers that way?

Unfortunately, this is not how it works. First of all, no one will want to read such a long and strictly sales text, much less encourage them. Second, you would challenge all your competence and professionalism which you have been striving for by going through my previous guidance. Third, you are likely to have a counterproductive effect – the potential client will get discouraged, see it as some kind of scam or a machine prank. Fourthly, if you attract someone (which is possible if you have a great product), they will probably not be “premium” customers, on which it would probably be best for you to focus in order to be fairly rewarded for your work.

As a visualisation I show you the photo I found by accident but I think shows exactly the meaning of my words. I am sure that it would not really encourage anyone (or rather someone who would expect premium product) to even look closer. And it is not necessarily because of the product itself! I am sure that if you present something well and professionally you will find the right audience. So you target some audience, present the product in the right words and get your potencial customer’s attention.

Please note that it doesn’t mean you should stop improving your product – if the quality will not be good or as described, soon you may get bad reviews and go down. Marketing is to expose the best qualities of your product but will not solve the problems with the product itself or with other things (delivery, service etc.).

Hope I gave you some inspiration for this week ? Good luck and let me know how it goes! I remain at your disposal!

Have a great day,


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